Lavang Latika by Mousumi Basuri Mataji


1 - oil for deep frying 

2 - cloves as needed 


1 - All purpose flour/ Maida 

2 -Ghee - 2 tblspn

3 - salt a pinch 

4 - Water as needed 

        For Filling 

Khoya/ Mawa 3/4 cup

Sugar - 2.5 tblspn

Nuts - 2 tblspn ( I used mixed nuts)

Cardamom powder - 1/2 tblspn 


Sugar - 1 cup

Water - 1/2 cup

 How to make: 

1 - Take flour, salt and ghee in a bowl and rub it well till it resembles coarse breadcrumbs 

2 - Add water little by little and make a dough 

3 - Let the dough rest till you get everything ready 

4 - Now mix all ingredients for filling. Take your dough and divide it into equal portions. Now take each portion and roll it into a thin poori.

5 - Spoon filling in the centre and bing bath side together and cover with other side as well so it resembles a parcel, secure the top with clove.

6 - Make the sugar syrup. Take sugar and water in a pan and heat it bring it to a boil and simmer till it reaches ones string consistency 

7 - Now heat oil for deep frying drop the parcels in oil, for on medium heat till it gets golden drain it and add it to the sugar syrup 

8 - Toss well in the syrup and let it sit for 3 to 4 minutes.

9 - Drain and let cool. Serve


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