Yava Roti with Sabji



Two cups of yava flour(Barely) + 1 tbsp flaxseed flour, 1/4 tsp salt and 1 tbsp pure ghee. Add boiling water as needed to knead the dough. Use a spatula to mix until it cools down. This dough is slightly messy as compared to the wheat dough to make roti. 

Close with a lid. Let it cool down, nicely work with your hands and make a smooth dough. Using tortilla/PURI, press the machine and press into flatbreads. Cook them on a flat iron pan on both sides. Place on a plate and spread a generous amount of Ghee, covering the generous amount. This is an essential process; ghee helps in good digestion and absorption of all the nutrition present in barely. Yava/barely is a suitable grain for all tridoshas and excellent for cooling the body during summer. 

Serve it with Subji!

How to Make Plaintain Spinach Subji? 

Heat 1.5 tbsp ghee/coconut oil in a medium-large iron skillet. Add 2 cups of sliced semi-ripen plantains and toss well. Close with a lid. Open the lid after 5 minutes and toss them well once again; add 1/2 pepper powder and turmeric powder, 2 cups of chopped spinach and close with the lid again for about 3 minutes. 

Open the lid, add 3/4 tsp salt and mix well. Add 1/2 tsp cumin powder, 1/2 coriander powder and 3 pinches of Cylon cinnamon powder. Mix well and close the lid for another 2 minutes. 

Note: If you like to use green plantains, they will need a longer time to cook, whereas semi-ripened cook faster and turns golden yellow. 

रुक्षः शीतो गुरुः स्वादुः सरो विड्वातकृत् यवः।

वृष्य: स्थैर्यकरो मूत्रमेदःपित्तकफान् जयेत् ।

            पीनसश्वासकासोरुस्तंभकंठत्वगामयान् ।(As. Hri.6/ 12)


Susrutacharya has mentioned Yava as an astringent, sweet and pungent post digestion, cold in potency, pacifies Pitta and Kapha, good for wounds always like tila or sesame seeds, increases flatus and feces, improving digestion, mitigates fat and Vata dosha and purifies blood and Pitta. (Su.Su. 46/41)


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