Lavang Latika


Ingredients : 

Refined Flour 1 1/2 cups 

Cloves 10-12 

Rose essence 1/4 teaspoon 

Ghee 3-4 tbsps to deep fry 

Tutti frutti 3 tablespoons 

Cashewnuts roughly chopped 4-5 

Almonds roughly chopped 4-5 

Pistachios roughly chopped 4-5

Sugar dissolved in ½ cup water 1 cup


Cook sugar with ½ cup water, stirring, till you get a syrup of one string consistency. Add rose essence and mix well. Mix maida and ghee in a parat, add a little water and knead into a stiff dough.

Cover with a damp cloth and let it rest for 15 minutes. Heat sufficient ghee in a kadai. Mix together tutti frutti and dry nuts. Divide into 12 equal portions.

Roll out each portion into a puri. Place one portion of the filling in the center of the puri, drizzle a little ghee and fold in the sides to overlap each other.

Secure with a clove. Deep fry these lavang latikas till golden brown. Drain and soak them in warm sugar syrup for 15 minutes. Drain and serve warm.


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