Tomato & Capsium Chutney



 Tomato & Capsium chutney 

Ingredients :
1 - capsicum
3 - tomato
1 tsp - mustard seeds
Curry Leaves - one handful
2 tsp - chilli  powder or red chilies
Oil for frying
Salt as required

Method :
Chop capsicum and tomato into medium sized cubes. Saute with 2 tsp oil.
Add salt as required.
Now grind to a smooth paste with a little water.
Add oil (2 tsps) in a pan and add mustard seeds and curry leaves.
Pour the vegetable mixture into the pan.
Add chilli powder.
Cook till the mixture becomes a little thick (for approx. 3-4 minutes on medium flame).
Capsicum-Tomato Chutney  is now ready to offer with rice


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