Vegetable Juice



Vegetable juice:

Ingredients :

Carrots - 4
Cucumber - 1 and half long size
Beet root- 1 small or 1/2 medium size
Tomato - 1 big size juicy one
Celery - 2 sticks
Orange or apple - 1
Lemon juice - 2 tbsps


1. Blend carrots and beets pieces and make a smooth paste
2. Add remaining slices and grind well. Filter it with a cotton cloth or use your filtering method.
3. If prefer add spices like methi powder or little turmeric or small ginger piece. This is completely optional.
4. This quantity yields 4 big glasses of juice. Please adjust measurements as needed. organic is a good option.
5. This has vitamins, micro nutrients helps to boost the immunity, burns extra fat cholesterol etc. just as a note if any concerns drinking raw, heat up a bit. Ready to offer to Krishna 🙏😊


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