Masala Vada


 Channa Dal



Green chilies 



Curry leaves 

Carrot chopped 

 Cabbage Chopped

 Red chili powder 

black pepper powder 


Turmeric powder 


Rice flour 


parchment paper 

Ziplock  bag 

Method :

Masala Vada recipe: Wash chana dal 3-4 times & soak in enough water for 3-4 hours. Pulse grind chana dal in mixie to keep it coarse & not smooth fine paste. Add to it ginger chopoed, jira powder, chopped green chillies, lots of cilantro, mint, curry leaves chopped, carrot grsted, cabbage chopped, red chilli powder, black pepper powder (You can use either &/or green chillies, black pepper pw, red chilli pw- I used little if all 3), hing, turmeric pw, salt, rice flour. Ginger, jira & mint help in digestion as chana dal is heavy to digest. Add heated oil- 1 tsp for 1/2 cup of chana dal soaked. Mix well & on a greased parchment paper/ziplock bag & greased hands, make balls & pat them on parchment paper to flatten & shape. Heat oil for deep frying on mdium high flame in a deep wok/kadai. Once hot, test a little batter in hot oil, if it comes up quickly, it is ready to use. Add these vadas gently to hot oil & fry both sides till color slightly changes. Reduce flame to low medium now & fry till you get the desired golden brown color on both sides. Remove to absorbent tissue paper. Serve when little warm. Offer with tulasi to sweet Lord. This was very crispy.


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