Turkish delight cheesecake.



 4 cups Sugar

 1 cup Cornflour 

1 tbsp Lemon Juice 

3/4 tsp Rose Essence 

1 tsp Cream Of Tartar Pink Food Colouring 

For Dusting 

1 cup Icing Sugar 

1/4 cup CornflourIn a mid-size saucepan 

add 1.5 cups of water. 


Add in the sugar and the lemon juice, and stir while bringing to the boil Once the mixture has come to a boil, use your thermometer to monitor the temperature.

 Continue stirring while you do this. You’re waiting until it reaches 115 degrees, which is the soft boil point for sugar. When the mixture reaches 115 degrees Celsius, turn the heat off and set the pan aside for now. 

In another pan add 2 cups of water along with the cream of tartar and the one cup of cornflour. Whisk (an electric mixer is useful if you don’t mind using it on the heat) to remove the lumps. 

Continue whisking as the mix comes to a boil. 

Once it resembles a glue, take it off the heat. Pour a small amount of your sugar syrup into the cornflour mixture and whisk to combine.

 Continue adding a small amount of syrup, whisking between each, until the two mixes are incorporated. Put this mixture back on the heat and bring to a boil. 

Then turn the heat down and leave, gently simmering, for 1 hour. Stir frequently during this time. Your Turkish delight mixture should be a caramel gold colour now.

 Add in the rose essence and some pink food colouring. Mix well. Line a 20x20cm baking tin with baking paper, and lightly oil the baking paper with spray oil to stop the Turkish delight from sticking. 

Pour the mixture into the dish, cover, and allow to sit (not in the fridge) for several hours to cool. Once cooled, dust the top of the Turkish delight with icing sugar (additional) and flip it out onto an icing sugar duster surface. 

Take off the baking paper, slowly. Cut the Turkish delight into small squares using a lightly oiled knife. Sift the icing sugar and cornflour into a bowl and then toss each piece of Turkish delight in this mixture. 

Store your homemade Turkish delight in a sealed box with the icing sugar mixture to stop it drying or sweating. Avoid storing in the fridge if possible.


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