Banana Ice Cream


Banana ice cream


Banana -4-5 

 Nut Milk/any Milk -2 tablespoons

Sugar- 1tbsp

 Nuts (Almonds, Walnuts, Cashew, Pista) 




Chop 4-5 Bananas into pieces and freeze them in a zip lock for four hours.

Then remove it from the freezer, blend it with one or two tablespoons of nut milk or any milk, add 1 tbsp sugar or as desired. My Prabhu broke the mixie yesterday when he made this haha. So use the blender that can crush ice.

Once it has become a liquid paste, pour it into a container, add crushed nuts if you like, and freeze it for another 3-4 hours. 

If you want more ice cream, you can add cream and blend it nicely in a blender and then freeze it. We omitted this step.

You can add flavors and variations to this. That's it. Easy recipe. 🥰

Hare Krishna


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