RaspBerry Cheese Cake

Base/ carob cake

3/4 cup flour

1/3 cup sugar 

2 tablespoon oil

Two pinches  salt 

Few drops vanilla

1/8 cup carob powder 

1/2 tsp baking soda

1/2 cup water 

Mix  ingredients and wet ingredients and bake at 350 D Fahrenheit 

It will be done quickly 


Whip together One package cream cheese and One and half cup heavy cream with half cup sugar or even less

Depending on ur taste wirh few drops Of vanilla

Cream cheese should be at room temperature 

And once the cake is cooled remove it and in the same pan turn it over and pour this mix on top and smoothen it 

Raspberry sauce

Cook 1 cup raspberries with 1/ 4 cup sugar till it’s boiling nicely

Add 2 tablespoons of corn starch mixed with water and add to raspberries and let it cook for another two mins 

And strain it nicely to remove seeds 

And let it cool and pour it over the cake and let all of it chill overnight or a few hours 

And offer it 

U can make it in a spring pan

I didn’t have it so managed in a regular pan 

Haribol mtj


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