Whole Wheat Yeast Bread

2 1/4 cups -  warm Water

3/4  cup -  nonfat dry milk 

1/3  Cup - Sugar 

 2 Tbsp -  Brown Sugar 

2  - Packages Active dry Yeast

 1tsp -  Salt

  5 -  cups Whole Wheat Flour

 1 cup - Bread Flour 

1/3 cup Vegetable Oil 

1/4-1/2 Cup Sunflower Seed and /or bulgur wheat(optional)

Dissolve Yeast and Brown sugar in 2 cups warm water. In a large bowl, blend 4 cups flour and remaining dry ingredients. slowly mix the yeast into the flour mixture. Rinse yeast/water cup with the remaining 1/4 cup of water and add to the dough.

Add oil slowly, blending well stir in sunflower seeds and only enough additional flour so dough cling together on a clean, lightly floured surface, kneed for 7 to 10 minutes or until a smooth, place in a greased bowl, turning greased side up,let rise, loosely covered at room temperature, until double in the slice, approximately half an hour, Grease two loaf pans with (or butter, but not oil). Shape dough into two loaves, placing one in each pan, let rise again , covered and warm until doubled


Bake at 400 F for 15 minutes, then at 350 F for 25 minutes. Remove from pans and let cool on racks.

Make 2 Loaves

Baking Suggestions:

* This gives the bread better texture. In place of bread flour, one cup of whole wheat flour can be used instead.


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