Ridge Gourd Curry (with Coconut Milk)



Ridge gourd– 2 /3big

Tomato-2 medium

Green chilies – 2 slit

Curry leaves 

Coriander pwd1/4tsp

Red chilly flakes – 1 tsp

Mustard seeds -1/2tsp

Turmeric powder – 1 tsp

Thick coconut milk / or regular milk – 1 small cup

Sesame seeds 2-tbsp

Salt – to taste

Oil – 1 tbsp

Heat oil in a cooking vessel. Add mustard seeds and let them splutter. Add curry leaves and green chilies stir fry for a few seconds. Add tomato cook for 2-3 mins or till they become tender, Add the chopped ridge gourd pieces, combine and cook on medium heat.

Reduce heat and cover with the lid and cook further for 1-2 mins

Add red chili flakes/chili powder, turmeric powder, coriander powder, sesame seeds powder, and salt and combine.

Add the water, bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover with the lid, and cook till all the water evaporates.

Lastly, on medium flame, slowly add the milk or coconut milk to the curry, while stirring continuously for 1 min till you get the desired curry consistency. Constantly stir otherwise the milk will curdle.

Garnish with fresh coriander leaves and 

You can offer with rotis or white rice.🙏


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