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Take milk and boil well. About 2 liters.
Add 1/2 tbsp of citric acid only when milk boils.
If you add citric acid before boiling then it takes time for the curdling.
Keep stirring. You will see the light green whey separating.
Switch off-gas.
We don't want to cook paneer.
Now at this point either add cold water little or ice cubes do the further cooking stops.
Drain this over a muslin cloth.
The whey can be used to Knead flour.
Once water drains get the cloth together from all sides and flatten/ level the paneer.
Keep this under heavyweight for an hour. If you do not need immediately keep for some more time.
An important tip here is to see that the weight is evenly distributed.
Cut into desired shapes after it is set.

Tip # 9     Special TIPS  for Rasgulla /Rasmalai

1. When you boil milk for paneer the best option is to use citric acid. As you need very little and cuddles the milk fast.
2. Secondly add citric acid or neem ka Phool as it is called, ( you can use lemon, vinegar) only after the milk boils.
3. Once the whey separates switch off-gas. Do not let cook more.
4. Keep for paneer formation under a heavyweight for a couple of hours. If water not throughly out the balls will not form. The paneer will get loose.

5. Knead the dough well
very well. It is the key to get soft  Rasgulla or Rasmalai.

6.knead for at least 10min.


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