pad Noodles

Boil noodles as per instructions. For 4 to 5 minutes. Drain it and add oil coat it well so noodles don't stick. Add the balsamic vinegar 1 spoon and little salt.
In a pan add oil veggies of your choice add little sugar very little add soy sauce a little. Add the red chilies sauce and 1 spoon peanut butter mix well. Add the noodles and mix. At the end add coarse peanut powder and mix well.
The original recipe has a sauce that has fish sauce and many other ingredients.
This which was made kids loved it.
So basically substitute it with the chili sauce ( see picture below) soy sauce and balsamic vinegar. At the end add little vinegar or lemon juice about a spoon.
Done. This is just my substitute way of making it. If anyone has other way please share 🙏.


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