
Yummy Dhokla

From scratch.

No need for soda, made in regular cooker.

Soak 1 cup chana dal overnight or for 6 hours.
Next, grind it along with 2 tbsp of soaked Poha and let ferment.
Next day when ready to make grate Ginger and green chilies into it. Add 1 tbsp spoon oil and little sugar.
Add 2 tbsp of raw and mix.
Add salt.
In the steamer add water and be ready.
In the batter add 1tesp of Eno pour the batter in a greased container.
Steam it for 10 minutes.
Once done let it cool then slice it.

In a pan add oil, mustard seeds, sesame seeds, curry leaves, green chilies.
Once temper ready add 1/2 cup water and 1 spoon sugar.
Let it cook for a few minutes.
Let this cool. In this process, the green chilies get cooked and they taste awesome.
Pour this temper over the Dhokla.
Garnish with coriander.

Note: Made idlis for a get-together had added little Poha while grinding that made the idlis fluffy. So tried with Dhokla and this was so fluffy and same like we get in Indian mithai stores.


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